December 12, 2024
18 min read

The ultimate metaverse metastudy. What are the smartest people in the world thinking?

A look into the different concepts, criticism, hope, and despair. Will today’s dreams turn into reality? And are we talking sweet dreams or rather a huge nightmare?

A girl wearing a VR set

First, a bit of self-promo. On February 17, a conference on business opportunities in the metaverse will take place in Prague as part of the Creative Talks. Five guests from different fields (from AI to mathematics and economics) will try to get to the bottom of the matter. How much of the metaverse is mere hype? And how to prepare for the future? The event is exclusively “physical”, but you can watch the recording later (keep an eye on our YT channel).

Disclaimer: This article is an initial metastudy which includes links to various sources as well as some of the author’s views. It does not express the views of any Creative Talks participant. If you already know a thing or two about the topic, feel free to skip the first two blocks.

What is the metaverse?

No, it’s not the thing that Meta/Facebook announced last year. All they did was publicize it. The word “metaverse” comes from Snow Crash, the excellent novel by author and MIT alumn Neal Stephenson. But there’s no clear definition of it yet. Perhaps because so far, it’s merely a mixture of visions, dreams, and futuristic manipulations by the Big Tech companies who see it as the next iteration of the world wide web. We don’t even know for certain that such a thing will come into existence. The basic idea, for now, is that of a social network, just in a better, 3D design. Something like the — now rather passé — concept of virtual reality, but one where participants will be connected by next-generation social networks. Either through VR sets or just your classic 2D screens, since it doesn’t need to be an outright 3D environment. Actually, it doesn’t even need to be a network. Tu put it simply, there’s a lot of confusion around it. Adi Robertson discusses this terminological awkwardness in her brilliant article for The Verge.

Some of the most typical cultural models for the metaverse include the movie Ready Player One, based on the book by Ernest Cline, the Matrix series, and the aforementioned Snow Crash. By the way, these are all out-there dystopias in which you really wouldn’t want to live. But the concept of the metaverse is especially close to the games industry. Second Life, Fortnite, Roblox, and others are all existing (albeit outdated) varieties today. It’s even possible that the forthcoming metaverse will essentially be just a gaming environment.

But the blurring of identity is what is supposed to be the major change, erasing the clear, discernible boundaries between who’s who a what’s what. The avatars of us humans will be able to communicate with each other, with digital objects, but also with artificial beings. Only unlike humans, AI will have the ability to create an essentially infinite number of these identities. So each of us might really get their own Matrix, a tailored digital world. And we might not even be aware of that. Whether it’s going to be heaven or hell is a matter of perspective.

The metaverse isn’t such a crazy futuristic idea. In a figurative sense, today’s social networks already function as a system of virtual avatars which we assume are real and to which we relate.
The metaverse isn’t such a crazy futuristic idea. In a figurative sense, today’s social networks already function as a system of virtual avatars which we assume are real and to which we relate. Foto: Shutterstock

What’s the difference between the metaverse and Web 3.0?

Yes, there’s also the issue of ownership, blockchain, and NFTs. Most people do conflate the terms “Web 3.0” (Web3, W3) and “metaverse”. Web 1.0 is what we call the beginnings of the web sometime around 1990 to 2005, when a couple of people were creating content for the vast majority. Web 2.0 is the web we know today, running on user-generated content — typically social networking. But only a few entities own the data. Ownership of the third-generation web, Web 3.0, is expected to be decentralized using blockchain, similar to the bitcoin decentralization.

Journalist Kristin Houser explains the differences between W3 and the metaverse in depth — but comprehensibly — in an article for Freethink. Both approaches are being described as the “internet of the future”, but each works differently. Whereas Web 3.0 is mostly about who will own and rule the internet of tomorrow, the metaverse concept focuses on how users will experience it. So if the metaverse world does come to fruition, it might be centralized (like Web 2.0), decentralized (like Web 3.0), or a combination of both. Whatever the case, it will likely be a world powered by NFTs (i.e. unique tokens), Andrew Hayward writes for Decrypt.

The metaverse will be great for manufacturing

First, on a positive note. The metaverse technology is definitely a great opportunity for the manufacturing industry. Venture Beat describes various forms of simulations which are already in use for aircraft construction or the Digital Twins technology (which simulates and analyses production and business processes). That’s why Nvidia is opening up a whole new platform, the Omniverse, which could become the new industry standard. You can also read more on this metaverse for engineers here. Similarly, Microsoft wants to target office apps. And Business Insider hopes this will create new job opportunities.

The concept of Digital Twins is already a big industry trend. Pictured here: Siemens’s Infosite system, used to create cloud-based digital twins of production halls and lines. Photo: Siemens
The concept of Digital Twins is already a big industry trend. Pictured here: Siemens’s Infosite system, used to create cloud-based digital twins of production halls and lines. Photo: Siemens

The metaverse is also going to change industries as unexpected as the food industry. This has to do with the digitalization that is already underway. After all, the first bitcoin transaction was a pizza purchase; on May 22, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas for a now-unbeliavable 10,000 BTC. (This day is now celebrated as the Bitcoin Pizza Day.) Tech platforms are taking over customer relationships, but this can also raise the prices of certain foods by up to 90%. Future transformation will include booking, ordering, food presentation, and it might even enhance the experience of eating itself. To find out more about the possibilities of the food industry, read Bas Roose’s article.

The food industry is yet to undergo a brutal digitalization. Photo: Shutterstock, montage by J.S.
The food industry is yet to undergo a brutal digitalization. Photo: Shutterstock, montage by J.S.

There will be naturally be wars in the metaverse. Find some basic information on future warfare here. Pictured here: U.S. Army soldiers using VR headsets to treat PTSD symptoms. Photo:
There will be naturally be wars in the metaverse. Find some basic information on future warfare here. Pictured here: U.S. Army soldiers using VR headsets to treat PTSD symptoms. Photo:

Top metaverse platforms in 2022 a.k.a. the money-makers

The most is obviously expected from Meta, Google, and Apple. But that’s pure fantasy. Let’s put dreaming about the future aside for a moment. What is the situation like today? At the moment, Decentraland, Somnium Space, and Sandbox are the leading players when it comes to metaworlds that really work. So far, they all look similar. Decentraland is the oldest, but it doesn’t have a VR environment yet. All three are frenetically selling virtual land, which in turn is being frenetically bought by fans and companies. Users kind of aimlessly hang out in the metaverse; they might occasionally play a game or two or complete a quest to earn some local currency.

Another “league” consists of Animal Crossing, Discord, Fortnite, Topia, Roblox, et al. And let’s not forget the traditional corporates, who usually won’t build their own platforms, but rather bet on different horses. Nike, for instance, has built the Nikeland on the Roblox platform. H&M, Chipotle, Vans, or Huyndai are doing something similar. More info here (in Czech).

Here’s an overview of the most interesting currencies of various metaverse worlds. Hero (by Meta Hero), Blok (Bloktopia), Epik (Epik Prime), Atlas (Star Atlas), RFOX (Red Fox). Again: it’s mostly about money and a sort of “gold rush” for now. Noone knows what will come of it, but what if something did and they missed out on it? No global company can afford to take that chance today.

Decentraland is a typical example of a 2022 metaverse. You can hang out there, buy services and virtual land with the local MANA token. The cheapest piece of land in Decentraland currently goes for $11,000.
Decentraland is a typical example of a 2022 metaverse. You can hang out there, buy services and virtual land with the local MANA token. The cheapest piece of land in Decentraland currently goes for $11,000.

VR does not have to be about physical degeneration. You can buy gadgets like the Ring Fit Adventure for Nintendo Switch to make home workouts more fun. Photo: Shutterstock
VR does not have to be about physical degeneration. You can buy gadgets like the Ring Fit Adventure for Nintendo Switch to make home workouts more fun. Photo: Shutterstock

Speaking of business, here’s Jim Cramer’s well-done analysis for CNBC of which companies might profit from this technology and thus might be a good idea to invest in. Of course, those are graphics card and chip makers like SMIC, TSMC, UMC, Intel, or Samsung. And above all, Nvidia, which could soon become the number one player in the whole business. Especially if its grassroots ecosystem, Omniverse, beats Meta’s directive and controlling approach.

Naturally, China is also stepping in, at the same time warning that the market is overheated. But some Chinese cities have already founded metaverse associations to create their own copies. Baidu has launched a version for developers and wants to open its universe to the public in 5 years. Which actually sounds more realistic than the Meta craze.

By the way, according to Intel, 1,000x more computing power will be needed for a working metaverse and it will take decades before something like this can happen.

The Chinese are generally allergic to the term “metaverse”, which is why ByteDance (owner of TikTok) introduced the Paiduidao (Party Island) network, which does everything that generally counts as the metaverse, but according to a company spokesman “has nothing to do with the metaverse”. LOL. 🙂

The real-deal experiment

Ben Kliments conducted an interesting experiment for Wired: he spent hundreds of hours working in VR to find out what feels real, what will drive you mad, and what’s pure PR. The great thing, he concludes, is that you can set up your work station however you like and you’re not slouching in front of your computer. But it’s terrible for writing. Your battery lasts an hour, so you’re always needing the charger. Your forehead goes numb and your eyes go bad. You might enjoy the absolute quiet with no disturbances, but when you get off, expect to feel quite disoriented.

More on the work life: Allison Berke explains why work meetings in the metaverse are going to be hell. In short, virtual avatars feel unnatural and it will make interpersonal communication much more difficult. A very interesting read.

Author’s commentary: In my experience, it’s all about game philosophy. For me, as a non-gamer, this type of universe is completely incomprehensible. I hung around Nikeland, Decentraland, and some of the other worlds for a bit, but I absolutely did not enjoy it. I wasn’t even sure what to do. The graphics resemble games from 20 years ago and all the actions just lead up to a “buy this” moment. That’s where all the fun is. And there is already a generation of meta-consumers growing up. You can buy sneakers, jpg doodles, land, music, VIP passes to places, better tires for your car, patches for your game… Everything intangible and yet totally materialistic. The point remains: to buy more.

Adi Robertson and Jay Peters (The Verge) pose a question: Haven’t we already experienced the whole metaverse hype around Second Life in the 2000s? Is this somehow different? Or will the metaverse turn into just another advertising tool like social media did?

Update: There are other and highly critical voices. Phil Libin, founder of Evernote has tried out Horizon Workrooms (a product that Meta has now released in beta for the US market) and says that Facebook’s entire vision is uncreative and wrong from the start. He says it’s much more awful than he expected and using it is barely tolerable for a few minutes. He compares the hype around the Meta to communist propaganda in the former Soviet Union.

The dangers of elves and agents

Mind you, the most dangerous technology in the metaverse will be AI. At least according to Louis Rosenberg whose excellent article for Tech Crunch has stripped me of any notion that it could possibly play out any other way. 🙈In a nutshell, the idea is that the AI will create virtual characters in real time, which will be customized to our exact profiles so that we can relate to them as much as possible. And these characters will reach out to us and manipulate us, where in terms of politics or marketing. We won’t be able to recognize the truth from lies, the real thing from distortion, and even actual people from other entities. We’ll have no idea if a given “person” just wants to chat about beer or if it’s part of a mosaic made of thousands interlocking little elements that will eventually sway me in the elections. Today’s social networks, deep fakes, and hoaxes will look primitive in comparison.

Decentralization? More like chaos or dictatorship

In terms of benefits, the techno-optimistic vision (of corporates and geeks) clashes with the fear of possible enslavement. Twitter founder Jack Dorsey argues that a decentralized internet might not necessarily increase the power of its users as much as W3 advocates predict. All it will do is take the power away from the Big Tech and put in in the hands of the very same venture capitalists who are investing in blockchain apps now. People will never escape the corporations, Dorsey says: “It’s ultimately a centralized entity with a different label.”

After all, decentralized technologies are not either/or. In an exclusive interview, Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal explains that decentralization can exist on different levels. BTW, Polygon aspires to become the backbone of a decentralized world, sort of like AWS for W3. Doesn’t that reek of centralization? 🤣

There are other controversies. Of course there’s also the threat of a Tower of Babel-type tragedy, as described in the novel Snow Crash. That is, every corporation and every individual having their own metaverse/state, incompatible with the others, and everything disintegrating into a chaos of corporate universes and an infinite number of blockchains.

Or, the opposite happens. The market consolidates into one strong player or just a couple of them. That would mean a worldwide dictatorship, unlike any the world has ever seen. Even states as we know them don’t have this kind of unlimited control over their citizens (customers). Imagine a platform where you live and work enclosed in VR with your information fully controlled by the provider, in a confidential, fluid legal system of “community rules”, but with no voting rights or courts of justice.

On the other hand, it’s great for business — but only if you’re a platform owner. That’s why at this point, all the big and small players are hectically trying to push their own solution. We may just be at a critical moment in history where the foundation is being laid for decades to come. And that’s why noone cares how much it costs to participate in the metaverse today. It’s a matter of tomorrow’s survival.

There are no global standards yet

The fact that we are living in a transitional period is also demonstrated by how immature the technology is. No global standards are in place yet. If you buy a virtual shirt or sneakers (i.e. skins) or, say, a plastic surgery in one universe, you won’t be able to bring it to another. You can’t even seamlessly travel between the worlds. You need to come back to reality first. Which, by the way, is a pretty unpleasant and even traumatic experience. It’s likely that treating these transitions between metaverse and reality will become the next big thing for psychologists. There is no “cyber police” yet either, so the first cases of harassment are already happening, with noone to deal with them.

But the main issue of apps built in W3 — and partly the metaverse — is the insanely complex UX/UI. Until it becomes as simple as the web we use today, it won’t stand a chance with the masses. For instance, a description of a “simple” way to create a smart contract, which is supposed to be the basic operation in the W3 universe, promises to “provide greater security and enforceability at a lower cost than traditional law”. But you can see right away that it’s nothing but a toy for developers and/or corporations.

It’s similar as with machine learning. Your regular freelancer is hardly able to build a whole neural network to improve their productivity. But a big company is. That’s how the companies will get rich. So a bit of business advice: if you believe in the metaverse’s success and you have someone to team up with or sell your brand to, get into it, stat.

Nvidia’s Omniverse is a 3D development environment built on the Pixar Universal Scene Description engine and NVIDIA RTX technology. Nvidia believes it will become the Photoshop for creatives of the next era.
Nvidia’s Omniverse is a 3D development environment built on the Pixar Universal Scene Description engine and NVIDIA RTX technology. Nvidia believes it will become the Photoshop for creatives of the next era.

The rise of corpocracy

It is rather obvious by now, so just a few quick observations. Why is Meta (Facebook) promoting the metaverse concept now, anyway? It’s their way of trying to become independent on Google and Apple. Their mobile users (which is the majority) arrive exclusively via Android or iOS. Which lowers both profits and control. If the metaverse project succeeds, Meta will be able to skip the middlemen and connect customers directly with their universe. I.e. total control, bigger profits. And that’s what it’s all about. The Verge has concluded something along these lines, while Business Insider informs that Meta is under investigation for monopoly practices. Again. Only this time, in VR. Meta also began building the world’s largest supercomputer, which will enable it to censor the content.

Apple is keeping quiet as usual, but according to recent leaks, it’s set to combine virtual and augmented reality. The iPhone already has some elements implemented, but a specific glasses/headset are predicted to launch in 2023. At least according to Bloomberg. You can find a cool roundup of the existing headsets on Tech Crunch. And Wired explains that if you do buy one, it will make streaming movies more fun.

Traditional, non-Big Tech companies are at least trying to hold onto some patents, although noone knows if that would do them any good in a “decentralized” environment. Walmart has seven patents and Nike is buying some, too. They’ve never been afraid to arm themselves with lawyers. Plus, they’re buying up companies like RTFKT and their virtual NFT factories are going strong. And Deloitte issued a press release at least. 🙂

Gulf News came up with an intriguing analysis of how only the biggest players stand a chance of winning. Participating in the metaverse is expensive for brands — for the increased cost, they are expecting higher profits. But once everyone is there, a certain level of numbness will be inevitable and each brand’s market position will be virtually the same as today. Nobody wins, except for platforms that manage to dramatically consolidate media wealth. The digital influencer market will be completely diluted, with nobody staying famous for more than a couple of days.

Update: A cooler word than corpocracy is platform economy. But the principle is the same, the biggest player takes all.

A paradise for kids… and the elderly

The metaverse won’t be just a trendy toy or playground for teenagers. That might be a transitional period. But when it stabilizes, it will become the perfect environment for small children as well as the elderly. The two segments it’s perfectly suited for. Both groups have limited options when it comes to mobility, albeit in different ways. So, for instance, the metaverse could become the ideal network for retired people to relive experiences their bodies no longer allow them to. But of course, anyone can fall for it. Especially if real life seems too “dangerous”, like in pandemic times. Life in the metaverse might eventually manifest similarly to heroin addiction. Rachitic, sedated people who show no will to live without their VR set. The new normal. Business Insider warns that the metaverse could become the essence of everything that’s wrong with the world. Entrepreneur, on the other hand, hopes it will provide a haven for creatives.

NFT: It’s not art

We’ve touched on this several times. The NFT is supposed to power the metaverse — or rather enable its main “legal” basis as well as its currencies/tokens. Let’s look into it.

Ginevra Davis’s sums it up perfectly in her report from NFT.NYC, a high-end New York conference where you can glimpse into the minds of people who buy the most expensive NFTs. A couple of excerpts: “The NFT boom is not about art or ownership. It is about escape.” “We will need clothes for the metaverse.” “NFTs are, fundamentally, an investment in the metaverse.” As for the buyers themselves, one of them observes, It’s not art. Don’t call it art. That’s offensive to real art. It doesn’t have any physical or practical value. It’s a new fraternity.

The concept of COMMUNITY, which is basically elitism, also gets constantly repeated. It is a kind of reaction to the society’s current lack of uniqueness. These are NFT hoarders, collecting junk with the hopes of one day purchasing shiny cars and luxury properties “out there”. Davis sums it up: In the NFT community, we are witnessing the logical conclusion of a generation that is so alienated, so profoundly unfulfilled, that they are considering abandoning the physical world altogether. At least the metaverse is something new — maybe somewhere they can be rich, or important.

The eccentric NFT collector known as CryptoNovo gives a lecture at the biggest conference of this kind, NFT.NYC, in 2021. Photo: YouTube
The eccentric NFT collector known as CryptoNovo gives a lecture at the biggest conference of this kind, NFT.NYC, in 2021. Photo: YouTube

It’s the same generation, she says, that dreams of the humankind “approaching a singularity where our digital selves (the version of ourselves in the metaverse) will become more important to us than our physical selves”. By then, we won’t see any issue in spending money on digital assets, which will have become more important than the physical ones. But the difference is that there is no inherent scarcity in the digital world. Any scarcity in this metaverse economy would have to be imposed — against the nature of the medium, with great effort and energy cost.

After all, it is certainly not an isolated opinion that NFT is just a pyramid scheme. Moreover, it is wrapped in the dirt of burning unnecessary energy.

Update: Read Thibault Verbiest’s analysis of how the EU is trying to regulate DeFi (decentralised finance) and how much of a difference it can make. Similarly on NFT regulation here.

Making ownership great again? Hardly

Will the metaverse improve the areas of copyright and ownership, as is being promised? It may well be the other way round. The Guardian already reports on the “huge mess” of identity theft and plagiarism around NFTs. While breaking into blockchain may be almost impossible now, the first one to do it wins. And there are already plenty of artists whose identities can be claimed by virtually anyone. According to the NBC, NFTs have even brought along a new wave of piracy.

Copyrighting could also become a nightmare when it comes to objects existing in the multiverse. Even if they’re just open source. A snippet of sound, a color, a gadget you buy for your avatar… Is that handbag real Dior? And who cares anyway? But what about copyright algorithms? It’s going to be an extremely complicated world.

And Web3 doesn’t even address the issues of advertising, media, or royalties.

While torrents used to be a tool for “liberation” by ignoring property rights, NFT is the exact opposite. It’s about centralizing copyright and maximizing copyright protection. But the author is not primarily the one who creates something, but the first to market it.

Update: The highly dominant OpenSea marketplace has even declared itself that more than 80% of the NFTs created by their free tool are are fraud or spam.

Expect all sorts of new drivers to enter the market. In late 2022, Sony is planning to release the successor to PlayStation VR, the new PS VR2 set. Pictured here are the Sense Controllers.
Expect all sorts of new drivers to enter the market. In late 2022, Sony is planning to release the successor to PlayStation VR, the new PS VR2 set. Pictured here are the Sense Controllers.

Oh, and what about porn?

According to an analysis by SexTech Guide, leading sex portals are worried that if the world of Meta (which includes VR glasses manufacturer Oculus) dominates the metaverse, even showing nipples will be made illegal. Yet, porn is one of the main reasons people are already interested in VR, notes Daniel Abramovich, CEO of the successful VR Bangers portal. It is likely that people will be pushed into some kind of closed ghettos where more liberal behavior will be possible. But the same goes for political views. Why would the Big Tech allow inconvenient views in their own universe? Again, the recent ban of Donald Trump on Twitter will seem like ridiculously primitive stuff by then.

It’s going to be fine

Cointelegraph describes how everything we have been criticizing here is going to change at some point. They hope it’s just the first stage. The wrong projects will fail and eventually, the right ones will win. They also believe it’s all headed in the right direction. As much as one tends to doubt it, TikTok is simply more democratic than HBO. Which is better? That’s another question. 🙂But as philosopher David Chalmers writes for The Guardian: Just get over it. Virtual reality is the new reality. And it’s going to happen.

Bonus questions:

Who is going to want to pay for services that corporations offer “for free” today?

Data centers, AI, YouTube, maps, communication tools. Today, all of these are funded by the companies’ ownership of your data. If the metaverse is created and paid for by corporations, we will become even more dependent on them (which Zuckerberg’s, Apple’s, and Google’s dreams are made of). The only other option is a paywall on all the services in W3. But history shows that people have always preferred giving up their privacy to giving up money.

Will there be elections under the potential AI rule?
If AI controls the metaverse, will we be given voting rights? Or will we rather become the metaverse owners’ property? Then it would be a dictatorship, not democracy. Is the progress we have made when it comes to human rights digressing a thousand years back?

About the author: Jan Strmiska founded and worked as editor-in-chief of the Czech edition of T3: Tomorrow’s Technology Today. He later spent 13 years writing for the Maxim magazine and now works at the venture builder, Creative Dock.

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AI transformation in reality: Fintech development powered by AI

Pioneering AI tools usage in venture building for years grants an incredible headstart. Creative Dock has been utilising AI, particularly machine learning tools, for solutions developed in ventures for clients across various industries for many years. This included venture building within e-health, the construction industry, retail, fintech, and insurtech.‍

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Software Supremacy: Roland Berger and Creative Dock Lead Pioneering Discussion at WEF AM 2024

“The Davos forum highlighted the transformative power of AI in the business landscape. It's clear that integrating AI into company strategy and daily operations is no longer optional but a necessity for companies to stay competitive and innovative. This transformation goes beyond mere technology adoption; it requires a shift in mindset and culture within organisations,” Martin Pejsa, Founder and Executive Chairman of Creative Dock, stated at an executive dinner, which his company, together with the strategy consulting firm Roland Berger, hosted for 80 top-tier C-suite executives, at the margins of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024. Indeed, the AI transformation of big brands has been a significant topic for Creative Dock in the past year.

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Artificial Intelligence as a Servant and a Potential Threat: Setting Boundaries

The European Union's Act on Artificial Intelligence (EU AI Act) has reached the final stretch of the legislative process after a three-day negotiation marathon. Representing the world's first set of rules for regulating artificial intelligence, it evaluates AI based on risk assessment, emphasising security and transparency. While the final compromise version of the regulation has not yet been disclosed, we can still draw some initial insights.

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The success story of bold acquisitions continues with a 70% growth

“We needed to accelerate our growth and impact to increase our expertise and service portfolio. Rapidly. Such a thing is only possible with well-selected acquisitions,” said Martin Pejsa, Executive Chairman of Creative Dock, about a year ago. And the strategy worked: At the end of 2023, Creative Dock, the largest independent corporate venture builder in Europe and MENA, reached a year-to-year revenue increase of 70%.

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Investing in Artificial Intelligence is a Matter of Our Sovereignty

Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as the foremost technical innovation of the year, and all indicators point to their anticipated growth in the future. For models that engage in natural human language communication, the entities responsible for their creation and control wield pivotal importance. These strategic considerations significantly impact the sovereignty and future of the Czech Republic and even European prosperity.

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AI has increased the efficiency of the Creative Dock tech department by a third! Wondering how?

Creative Dock has been leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) technology for several years, utilising machine-learning-based software in banking, insurance, FMCG, travel, and other industries since 2015. However, 2023 marks a turning point, as Creative Dock has undergone an AI adaptation. It has led to increased efficiency, with the company successfully enhancing its IT team's productivity by one third, in addition to other advancements. Use our know-how to achieve similar success.

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Navigating Company Acquisitions: When and Why? Merger or Maintain Independence?

When one company acquires another, the leaders face a crucial strategic decision – merge the acquired entity or retain it as a separate unit. Both pathways present pros and cons, and several factors must be considered. Not to mention the situation when a bigger company acquires several smaller companies over the course of months. This is the case with Swiss independent corporate venture builder, Creative Dock, which bought four companies from different countries in just twelve months.

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Scenario-Based Strategizing: Robust Strategies for an Uncertain Future

Rapid technological advancements, multiple crises, and continuous market disruption have left organisations facing a highly volatile, complex, and uncertain environment. Under such conditions, traditional strategy formation methods that assume a single future direction are no longer suitable to produce high-quality strategic decisions. More than ever, strategizing needs to embrace uncertainty and must consider multiple plausible futures, translating this into clear strategic actions. Over decades, researchers and practitioners have advocated the scenario-based technique as a key method for strategy development in both complex and uncertain environments.

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Advancing Digital Government in Saudi Arabia in 2023: Utilising AI for Enhanced Public Services

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has made remarkable strides in embracing technology and digital transformation across various sectors. The Kingdom's vision for a modern and innovative nation has propelled its government to invest heavily in advanced digital infrastructure. This article explores the significant progress made by Saudi Arabia in establishing an advanced digital government while also exploring the transformative potential of AI in revolutionising public services.

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Free Report: Strategic Foresight and Navigating Future Uncertainty - Our Generative AI Case Study

This cross-industry analysis applies strategic foresight methodology to one of the most complex and uncertain topics facing strategy and innovation professionals today: Generative AI.

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Michael O’Sullivan: We are on course for a multipolar world

We caught up again with Michael, who spoke at Creative Dock's Executive Dinner at World Economic Forum in Davos, to talk about why he thinks Europe is the best place to live, what he would recommend for companies looking to become future-proof, why and how the impact of AI on the developed and developing countries is different, or what books are on his desk these days. Read on to find out.

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Corporate Venture Building: How Entrepreneurs Unlock the Hidden Potential of Corporate Assets

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, a multi-billion dollar industry is quietly gaining momentum: Corporate Venture Building. This innovative approach allows entrepreneurs to unlock the hidden potential of corporate assets, creating game-changing digital businesses with a real market advantage. With a total addressable worldwide market of over $20 billion annually*, Corporate Venture Building has become a powerful asset class, experiencing exponential growth in recent years.

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Corporate venture building: create new value for your company by using existing assets

As businesses face continuous disruption and economic challenges, they're seeking new ways to create lasting value. A category that has gained a lot of popularity in the field of corporate growth and brand valuation in recent times is corporate venture building. It offers several advantages over traditional venture capital, corporate venture capital, or mergers and acquisitions. And it is extremely effective. Here we will explore the concept of corporate venture building, compare it to alternative methods of value creation, and discuss why more companies are choosing this approach.

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Digitalisation in corporate venture building: How to do it right?

According to a BCG survey, an incredible 70% of digital transformation projects fall short of their goals. Expectations are high, but is it enough to flip your business to digital and keep going as usual? Read on for 5 tips on what to look out for.

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The future of work aka is your position on the list of jobs most at risk from AI?

The future of work can only be anticipated. By the year 2030, working habits will have radically evolved due to trends such as artificial intelligence (AI), automation, demographic changes and globalisation. With this in mind, employees face several questions. What will happen to our job? Will our skills be needed in the future or will robots be able to take over our work through automation?

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Learning from the best: How to master corporate venture building innovations

An Interview with Stanford Professor Yossi Feinberg by Sven Jungmann.

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I recommend being curious, trying to learn, opening our hearts and going for it!

Her professional sports background taught her many lessons. “I always had to be sure that I had done everything in training. That gave me confidence for the tournament,” says Gabriela Teissing. With the same determination, she took on the role of CEO of corporate venture builder Creative Dock, in which she succeeded company founder Martin Pejsa. If you go through her CV, you can definitely tell that she always chooses the more challenging path. But if you ask, Gabi will probably tell you that she doesn't see it that way. And that she definitely believes in dreams. Only she's also convinced that you must work hard to achieve them.

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Psychological hacks to kick-start creativity. How to use them for your business?

Human creativity has always fascinated me. And also the mystery that comes with it. Why does it work sometimes—but other times it just doesn't? Is creativity a limited resource? Do people, at one point or another, just get exhausted from thinking and aren’t motivated to think outside the box anymore? Or do we simply need some extra help to kick-start creative thinking? Let's see what psychology would have to say on the topic. What creativity is, how it works, and how you can make it work for you.

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“We are in the midst of the biggest masonry innovation in the last 6,000 years,” says Jiri Devat

Creative Dock recently presented corporate venture building at its best in a project for Wienerberger. It is no coincidence that the introduction of the new head of the Manufacturing and Construction industrial vertical, Jiri Devat, accompanied it, as he was one of the main actors behind this innovation. During his long career before that, he headed one of Microsoft’s national offices for several years. During that time, Bill Gates made the nickname G9 popular, which became synonymous with his complex name. And what is this disruptive innovation in construction?

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Look into the future! Deploying strategic foresight for your business in 2023

In recent years, the world has seen how the market evolved to be more fragmented, and any existing SME or striving business owner must be able to anticipate the best steps to stay ahead of the game. Using strategic foresight enables a company to strike the right balance between the need for short-term results and long-term competitiveness. They can prepare better for future uncertainties with robust strategies. Let’s see a summary of the experts’ from Rohrbeck Heger by Creative Dock expectations for 2023. Plus recommendations on which areas to pay more attention.

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ChatGPT: is it really that big a game changer for our lives and businesses?

AI technologies are being used to improve efficiency, enhance the customer experience, and gain valuable insights. One of the most significant developments in recent years has been the creation of large language models (LLMs). One of the most advanced LLMs currently available is the conversational AI system ChatGPT, based on GPT-3.5 from research and deployment company Open AI. Despite the rather primitive use of machine learning and statistical models (suggesting the most likely continuation or the answer to the question statistically), ChatGPT gained almost divine status among Internet users within a few weeks.

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Ron van Oijen: If you really want to innovate, you need to hire fresh minds

Ron van Oijen studied actuarial science at the University of Amsterdam and worked in the insurance and finance industries across the US, Europe, and Asia. He is the former CEO of one of the largest Dutch insurance companies, VIVAT. As a long-time believer in innovations, he always pursued change even in big corporations. That meant close cooperation with startups, resetting the mindset of thousands of employees, and assigning real responsibility from the top down. Ron is now an advisor to Creative Dock.

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Going bigger on smaller screens

About the shift of financial services from desktops to mobile applications or how different it is to build an international mobile bank when you have already built a P2P lending platform. This and much more in an interview with Stanislav Filipcik.

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Creative Dock’s Muj Albert app rocks the charts

Retail chain apps are on the rise in Czechia. As the longtime charts leader, Lidl has now been replaced by Albert CZ’s mobile app, Muj Albert, made by Creative Dock.

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The best insurtech in Czechia, officially

Mutumutu, healthy life insurance, won the Zlata koruna award as the number one fintech project in the Czech Republic. But what exactly makes it the best? We asked the CEO, Jindrich Lenz.

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How to innovate in times of Covid-19

Watch an interview with Edward Meegan, Creative Dock’s former Head of Innovation.

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The next big thing: tokenize everything

In the near future, both people and things will be tokenized, believes Creative Dock’s Innovation Lead, Petr Vaclavek.

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Startups need to hustle. Just like scientists.

Theoretical physicist Rudolf Krejcar now builds companies instead of particle accelerators. What’s so alluring about the startup life?

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What have we started doing differently? Restarting the digitization of older apartment blocks

The Domy sobe project for Veolia has discovered a lot of things. Why is it that a carpet marketing blitz sometimes doesn’t work?

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How a loyalty app motivates 1 million people to live more healthy

It might be the great chemistry among the Creative Dock team developing the Muj Albert app that contributed to its success. How to achieve over a million downloads and the perfect balance of work and play?

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The story behind Hungary’s most successful eHealth project

“Our heatmap shows that people tend to choose doctors based on their pictures.” Interview with Zoltan Kaprinay, co-founder of the Dokio project.

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Creative Dock buys Swiss innovation company Spark Works

Where is Creative Dock headed and what does its latest acquisition mean for the clients? The companies’ respective CEOs, Martin Pejsa and Linda Armbruster answered our questions.

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Creative Talks: Stories of people who turned a pandemic into an opportunity

What do you do when your business is based on staffing restaurants and other gastro establishments? Would it still seem like a good idea to teach foreign tourists to seek out Prague’s best pubs and bars? And where can you find support if your therapist has barricaded himself at home and refuses to meet face to face for fear of contagion?

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Will content still be king in 2022? An update on content marketing strategies

How to generate meaningful brand content and how to approach new trends? We asked Creative Dock’s Head of Content, Michal Schindler.

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The ultimate metaverse metastudy. What are the smartest people in the world thinking?

A look into the different concepts, criticism, hope, and despair. Will today’s dreams turn into reality? And are we talking sweet dreams or rather a huge nightmare?

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Creative Talks: Plato, Star Wars and Web 3.0. Is it too late for the metaverse?

“We are the gods of AI,” said economist Tomas Sedlacek in our talk show. But is the artificial intelligence going to make our lives truly divine in the near future? Watch the recording to find out what Swiss innovator Linda Armbruster, business foresight expert Tobias Heger, mathematician Karel Janecek, and AI expert Dita Maleckova think as well.

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Fairo won the IN2 SABRE Awards 2022 for the best use of gamification

Fairo helps you manage all your financial transactions in one place. Send and personalize invoices, track payments and run tax reports, all in one app. How does gamification of accounting work?

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We talked to executives in Davos about managing uncertainty. Here’s what we learned

Slammed with crisis after crisis, executives are tasked with building resilient organizations and sustainable business models. As part of the World Economic Forum 2022, we invited European digital disruption leaders to talk about uncertainty and share their key insights into managing the unmanageable.

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It’s not a matter of sustainability anymore, but of survival. We discussed energy independence with European experts

Is energy self-sufficiency a responsibility of states, private investors or simply each and every one of us? At the June edition of Creative Talks, four speakers discussed social responsibility, the potential of green energy production and storage in Europe, and whether a future without nuclear power is even possible.

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“I had never even googled Czechia.“ How a French marketing student landed an internship in Prague

Before Juliette Cordillot (19) came to Prague for her internship, she knew almost nothing about the city. However, her three-month internship has placed Prague, and Creative Dock in particular, firmly in her heart. Maybe it’s because no two workdays are the same, the office is directly in one of Prague’s beautiful parks — and, as a bonus, we have packs of dogs running around.

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Staking a claim in MENA: What acquiring FoundersLane means for Creative Dock

“Corporate venture building is on the rise and it’s the new gold in times of inflation and uncertainty,” says Felix Staeritz, co-founder & CEO of FoundersLane and Creative Dock Group’s new board member.

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“European economy has a certain DNA to reinvent itself.” Talking future strategies with serial innovator Heinrich Arnold

“As an individual, you can probably survive if you decide to avoid digitalization. But not as a society,” claims Heinrich Arnold drawing upon his experiences as a lifelong innovator. He significantly contributed to turning Berlin and Israel into high-tech hot spots, received an honorary professorship at TU Berlin, and helped build over 70 businesses either as director of research and innovation at Deutsche Telekom AG or as a supervisor and investor.

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With energy rationing imminent, photovoltaics can help Europe overcome energy shortages

Photovoltaics are on the rise — at Creative Dock, we know that firsthand. Learning to save energy and using alternative energy sources independent of the political situation are the main ways to reduce Europe’s dependence on fossil fuels. Are energy shortages a real threat? Experts certainly say so. “If gas imports from Russia are stopped, energy will be rationed,” Jiri Gavor, head of the ANDE (Czech Association of Independent Energy Suppliers), told the media.

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Albert Van Veen: I dream of a world without ID cards, keys, multiple different tickets and passes

It might not be surprising that a man who founded FastID, a service to manage your digital identity, would leave very little track online. Therefore, when doing research, you need to challenge your LinkedIn bubble and one of the suggestions you can get is something like “Don’t forget he has four children and he loves talking about them!” So, starting with a question about childhood and the internet seems just appropriate.

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Daniel Falque on venture building in Belgium, banking, corporate culture, and the importance of distribution

If you happened to come across Daniel’s resume with his name missing, you might think some parents had sketched a perfect career for their child. You can almost hear them advising: “Start from scratch, little boy, as an insurance salesman and credit analyst, and through tireless hard work, you’ll work your way up to board member and CEO of the strongest bank in the country.” Yet, Daniel’s resume isn’t a sketch; it’s a real career.

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Sustainability is an opportunity. Not just for humankind, but also for your business

This should be taken for granted: “Sustainability is no longer a choice — it’s survival.” And far from regarding sustainability as a drain on resources globally recognized companies such as, Uber, and Starbucks, have all seen exponential growth through putting sustainability models at the core of their business. And in so doing altering the landscape of their particular industry.

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Innovation — it's more than just a buzzword

“If creativity is about inventing new things, then innovation is about making them real,” said the American economist, Theodore Levitt. Is that right and does Creative Dock's statement Creation by Doing correspond to reality? We sat down with Linda Armbruster, Director of Innovation at Creative Dock to get her perspective on innovation and impact.

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Corporate venture building is out to save the world. No, really

Combine the vast resources of a corporate and the speedy and disruptive spirit of a startup and what do you get? Powerful, innovative solutions at scale to solve our most pressing problems. It’s really that simple, and it’s what corporate venture builder Creative Dock has set out to do.

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Can trading your idea on the market show its future success? You bet.

“Only time will tell. We will see. Let’s hope.” Those are the words running through many a managers' head when deciding what innovations their company will invest in. But imagine having a tool that helps you choose which of your services are worth investing in, or which of your innovations are less likely to gain traction. Now imagine that such a thing exists. It’s called Ideapoly® and it is built and run by the European company IdeaSense, now part of Creative Dock Group.

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5 key elements that drive innovation and growth in a business

Since the pandemic, we have observed a steady recovery and steep rise in corporate venture building, especially innovative ideas that are constantly responding to changes in technology, and filling in the market gaps. However, as the reality of growing a business is not a bed of roses, not all companies are successful in executing their plans. In this 3 min read, we explore the core factors that could make or break a company.

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Name entity recognition in the insurance industry: a case study

Companies from a wide variety of domains like insurance, real estate, or medical institutions are concerned with the complexity of retrieving specific information from documents. This has become a major problem in recent years with the digitalization of documents and the enormous amount of data exchanged between businesses.

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Size does matter. A success story of growth. Kick-started through acquisitions

Organic growth is great. But it’s time-consuming. And if you want to expand, you can’t invest years just to establish your business in each new market. “We needed to accelerate our growth and impact, to increase our expertise and service portfolio. Rapidly. Such a thing is only possible by well-selected acquisitions,” says Martin Pejsa, Creative Dock’s CEO. And it was actually these successful acquisitions that turned his European corporate venture builder into the largest independent player in its category — rivaling the venture-building activities of the “Big Four”.

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Navigating the multi-crisis environment and where artificial intelligence fits in

“Societies and businesses around the globe are facing unprecedented challenges and the threat of prolonged difficulties — be they related to war, climate, energy, inflation, etc. But despite these gloomy perspectives, Davos turned into cautious optimism among executives leaders, as the global economic outlook for the year ahead looked better than feared. Large corporations can play a major role in overcoming these hurdles,” Martin Pejsa, founder and executive chairman of corporate venture builder Creative Dock, said at the event hosted by Creative Dock and Roland Berger at the margins of the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2023.

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Why is the MENA region a leader in digitalisation? Thanks to smartphones

When you say you’re building fintech in the Middle East, Westerners usually think of the strict Sharia banking rules and think it must be terribly complicated. But when you build ventures for banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), you’re in for exactly the opposite type of culture shock. E-Government there has made such progress during Covid-19 that we can be envious. Even financial applications under the tightest security are simpler, more user-friendly, and faster.

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